
Migrating from to .com domain using ; Blogger, Cloudflare & Google Sites

Image* A couple of years ago, I took a domain simply because I wanted to try out my own self hosted WordPress site. The domain came free, and I did not have many second thoughts. After this, I had enough of the constant updates to WordPress. So I thought I would take a look at an easier solution that was also free.  For the base site, I made it on, and for the blog, I transferred and put it onto Unfortunately,  Blogger only supports one base domain so I could not have and .com pointing to the same blog.  In this guide, I will quickly show you how to keep your old links working with the new .com domain.  Purchase a new domain for this one I purchased it via google domains.  Change your blogger domain to the new one so from me it was from to but you could change the domain to anything.  Go into Cloudflare and create the following rules  T...

K13 Nissan Micra - 2010 - 2016 indicator stalk fix and removal

This is just a quick post as there is no information on how to fix a K13 Nissan Micra indicator stalk, so model years 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 & 2016. If the indicator, still works but the lights do not flash, you could also try this for your wipers or headlights as the contacts are similar.  (This is considering you have already checked the bulbs and flasher relay. If the hazards work fine then, this is probably what you want to be looking into.  So the indicator on a K13 Micra would not work on the right turn the left worked fine, so did the soft-touch indicator for turning in both directions. After looking for a replacement and discovering that they are not easily obtainable - I noticed that you would not need to remove the steering wheel to fix it. It takes about 20 mins in total to remove and fix. It was well known with the MK1 smart that the hot temperatures, usually of the headlight switch, can cause the hot grease to run and cause a bit of havoc with the ...

NerdVision in July 2020

So this is just a quick personal post - about the product NerdVision. So in May 2020, I shifted my focus from the general focus of Intergral onto the product NerdVision ; while I have had input from the inception of NerdVision, it hadn’t been my sole focus.  Since May the Team has done a fantastic job, we have brought out support for several new technologies, and we have experimented with different approaches to things; some have been a great success and some a little more complicated. These last 3 months have, in many ways, been made more difficult by COVID-19. But in other ways, it has made things easier, especially from a meeting perspective.  So what is some of the progress has the team made so far?  Launched the new website and a new UI with support for lite and dark themes Support for Dynamic logging Support For Adobe ColdFusion

Another time and Date issue in Excel, Google sheets etc.

Today I have been pulling my hair trying to generate a simple report in either excel or google sheets. I was getting the same issue in both. The issue was the date was being recognized in some cells. but not others in the same column.  First I thought this was an export issue but opening the file in a text editor quickly but the breaks on blaming the system I was exporting from.  So I tried different date and time formats, using the format function and it was changing some cells and not others. In the end it turned out to be the language from my applications are set to English UK, I switched it to English USA and everything works perfectly. The strange thing is that the dates it was recognizing it was outputting in the correct USA format like the other dates on the sheet and not interpreting them as UK dates.  Anyway maybe this will help somebody in the future. 

Resolving Date Issues in Excel

Quite often you will have a formatting issue in excel either it does not understand the format or you have extra data in a column you dont need. Before it will understand what you want.  ( A side note I do not remember it being this difficult on windows, but on Mac this is the solution I found).   In my case this is the data : Apr 6 2018 12:06:21:000AM its simply a date plus a time but excel does not understand it yet. In this example I just want the date formatted correctly and I will get rid of the time. Separate out the data into individual columns Hi-light the column and choose 'Text to Columns' Choose delimited Space delimited Finish Now they are separated into the 4 columns, we can now delete the time in the last column. We now need to combine the data back into 1 column - we can do this by using a formula like this : =M2&"/ "&N2&"/ "&O2 this now gives us Apr/ 6/ 2018 but excel does not understand its a date, even if you ...

Debloating the Xiaomi Pocophone F1

Right, so this is a quick guide which is a culmination of everything I could find on the web, to remove all the bloatware off the Pocophone F1. So when I first got the Pocophone it was great but as Xiaomi is known for putting on a fair amount of bloatware the first task I set to was getting rid of it all.  But that was a couple of years ago now and several OS updates and upgrades later a couple of new apps had snuck in and I decided they must go!  Before you start, as with anything things can go wrong, and while this is pretty safe. Uninstalling some apps such as the Security App or Xiaomi Find Device can cause the phone to get stuck in a boot loop. If in doubt do a quick search "safe apps to uninstall Xiaomi" or similar. Option 1 When I first did this I was on windows I did the following: Installed this app: Simple follow the guide on the above link Install Java (If not already installed) Enable developer mode Enable USB debug...

Bulk managing passwords in Google / Chrome

Over a period of time you will collect many passwords and accounts inside google chrome if you use chrome to manage your passwords. At some point you may wish to remove all these passwords or atleast clean up a large number of them. Dealing with them inside chrome or can be a longwinded pain if you want to 50+ passwords. It may not be obvious but you can bulk manage passwords in chrome /google quickly and easily at-least you can at the time of writing using chrome 78. Right so before we get started we should make sure that we will be able to re-import the passwords back into chrome once we are done. 1) go to chrome://flags and search for ‘import’ and then make ‘Password import ‘ set to enabled. ) 2) You will now get a prompt to relaunch google chrome, relaunch 3) Now make your way back to chrome://settings/passwords and you will now see the option to import where export once was. If you want to check import works first, do this now. Bulk Managing passwords into Chr...