Debloating the Xiaomi Pocophone F1

Right, so this is a quick guide which is a culmination of everything I could find on the web, to remove all the bloatware off the Pocophone F1. So when I first got the Pocophone it was great but as Xiaomi is known for putting on a fair amount of bloatware the first task I set to was getting rid of it all. 

But that was a couple of years ago now and several OS updates and upgrades later a couple of new apps had snuck in and I decided they must go! 

Before you start, as with anything things can go wrong, and while this is pretty safe. Uninstalling some apps such as the Security App or Xiaomi Find Device can cause the phone to get stuck in a boot loop. If in doubt do a quick search "safe apps to uninstall Xiaomi" or similar.

Option 1

When I first did this I was on windows I did the following:

  1. Installed this app:

  2. Simple follow the guide on the above link

  3. Install Java (If not already installed)

  4. Enable developer mode

  5. Enable USB debugging

  6. Connect your phone

  7. Select file transfer mode

  8. Remove the apps you do not want

Option 2 

This time around I was on a mac so did it from the terminal, to do this you must do the following:

  1. Enable developer mode

  2. Enable USB debugging

  3. Connect your phone

  4. Select file transfer mode

  5. Installed ADB tools from here:

  6. Double click on the zip to extract it and place on the desktop (To make it easy)

  7. Connect your phone

  8. Open terminal 

  9. Open the folder from the terminal, for example, on my Mac it was this:cd /Users/david/Desktop/platform-tools/

  10. Once the Terminal is in the same folder your ADB tools are in, you can execute the following command to launch the ADB daemon: ./adb devices

  11. Your phone should have been detected

  12. Type ./adb shell

  13. Now pm list packages -f to list all applications on your phone

  14. I then entered the following commands 

    1. pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.mi.globalbrowser

    2. pm uninstall -k --user 0

    3. pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.xiaomi.mipicks

    4. pm uninstall -k --user 0

    5. pm uninstall -k --user 0

    6. pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.miui.miservice

    7. pm disable-user com.facemoji.lite.xiaomi

  15. You can replace with the apps you want to remove

Note that the facemoji.lite.xiaomi can only be disabled not uninstalled at least for me it would just fail when you try to uninstall. 

After I had done this I was fairly happy but, wanted to see if there is anything I had overlooked,  and test out the app: XiaomiADBFastbootTools again. The app makes it really easy to see most of the apps you can uninstall, its really good as it gives you an easy GUI and also allows you to reinstall the apps if you change your mind. 

While you can do everything from the terminal the app makes it easy and highlights everything that is safe to uninstall. If you want to uninstall a few more apps the tool does not list, then use the terminal. 

When listing all the packages with the command: pm list packages -f I found it hard to easily identify what I was wanting to uninstall so that’s why I recommend using the app to do the bulk of the work and use the terminal for anything else you want to remove. 

Resources used for this post are the following:


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