Resolving Date Issues in Excel
Quite often you will have a formatting issue in excel either it does not understand the format or you have extra data in a column you dont need. Before it will understand what you want. ( A side note I do not remember it being this difficult on windows, but on Mac this is the solution I found). In my case this is the data : Apr 6 2018 12:06:21:000AM its simply a date plus a time but excel does not understand it yet. In this example I just want the date formatted correctly and I will get rid of the time. Separate out the data into individual columns Hi-light the column and choose 'Text to Columns' Choose delimited Space delimited Finish Now they are separated into the 4 columns, we can now delete the time in the last column. We now need to combine the data back into 1 column - we can do this by using a formula like this : =M2&"/ "&N2&"/ "&O2 this now gives us Apr/ 6/ 2018 but excel does not understand its a date, even if you ...