Migrating an organisation to Gsuite
So you want to embrace a digital transformation and stop running your file server, mail server etc internally. Running all these systems internally has a cost on the workforce, as these systems age and grow they demand more attention. For us the GDPR caused us to look into all of our systems, understand where and what every bit of data we had and how we should deal with it. It caused us to ask the questions of do we still want to maintain these systems and be responsible for these systems security. Initially we looked into systems like, BOX, Dropbox, Amazon work mail etc.The problem with these systems they are disjointed, and the cost quickly adds up. Then we looked into Gsuite, Office 360 and Zoho Office. Zoho office was the first one out it didn't seem a great set up for a business our size. Next was Office 360 it was a possibility but as the Dev team use Linux it probably would not be the best fit. There was nothing wrong and for the windows users of the business it would...